PewDiePie Responds to Ekta Kapoor's One-Sided Twitter War in the Most PewDiePie Way - Scandal news


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Wednesday, 6 June 2018

PewDiePie Responds to Ekta Kapoor's One-Sided Twitter War in the Most PewDiePie Way

PewDiePie Responds to Ekta Kapoor's One-Sided Twitter War in the Most PewDiePie Way

PewDiePie and Ekta Kapoor are fighting like saas-bahu.

Updated:June 5, 2018, 4:00 PM IST
PewDiePie Responds to Ekta Kapoor's One-Sided Twitter War in the Most PewDiePie Way
Image credits: File photo of Ekta | Pewdiepie / YouTube
India is a country of goldmine content and world's biggest YouTuber-- PewDiePie knows that.

But when Felix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg aka PewDiePie decided to mock the over dramatisation and over the top editing in Ekta Kapoor's soap operas, the Indian producer took offense.

"It's like they locked an editor in a room and were like, "here is 2 dollars and 500 grams of cocaine, now edit this bit in the coolest way possible," Pewds remarked in his video titled-- YOU INDIA YOU LOSE.

Rattled by his excessive nitpicking, Kapoor expressed her displeasure in a series of tweets. Ekta's problematic response generated hate tweets, with many calling her "cringy, immature and downright racist".

Fast forward to Monday, PewDiePie finally took notice to Kapoor's tweets and responded in the most PewDiePie way. The YouTuber who is famous across the globe for his online commentary once again took a dig at Ekta Kapoor with a new video addressing her one-sided Twitter war.

In a video titled-- "She's angry because I made fun of her...," he begins by explaining how his "good quality" tweet for Kapoor's Kasamh Se intro was only a jibe aimed at the video uploader and pointed out the irony and clickbaity-ness in the video and its title.

"What did I do to trigger this woman? I tweeted out this picture and I wrote 'good quality'. Some people were saying that she was using racial slurs. She went on a big Twitter rant because I said 'good quality'. 'Good quality' was referencing the bad quality of the YouTube video that someone else re-uploaded. It had nothing to do with you, I don't know who you are. What do you want from me," he said.

Kapoor had responded earlier by saying, "Bhai tu kaun hai! Luks like d firang junior artists we hire from colaba when we Create Paris in arey:) he will find his dopplegangers in kasam se only;)"

He then goes on to acknowledge how he was laughing at the over dramatisation in her shows and it was completely unwarranted criticism. "I was laughing at how overly dramatic it was. I don't know how possibly I could get the idea. Completely unwarranted criticism, I fully understand."

This was in reference to a reaction video of Pewdiepie posted by Kapoor on Twitter.

A miffed Kapoor had then gone on a long, long rant.

Well, at least, social media seems to be enjoying the war of words between Pewds and Kapoor.

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